Lustful Legacy (Chapter 1)

It was the month of May when Anna lost her father. Twenty five year old Anna, had a heavy blow in her life with the demise of her father, who was her everything.

Her mother passed away while she was born, so the poor little Anna never knew what it meant by motherly affection. When she was in school, she would often stand and see her friends accompanied by their parents. When the school got over, she would often find her friends being scooped in the arms of their mothers. The tight hugs, kisses and giggles they shared made Anna's heart ache. Her heart would endlessly bleed as she regretted her life for not being able to enjoy her mother's company. Tears welled up in her eyes due to the pain she felt everytime, she realized that she never ever had any conscious hug from her mother.

But as her tear filled eyes would trace a person very close to her, she felt as if she could see her late mother in that person. The person played the role of both her mother and her father.

After her mother's demise, Anna's father thought of giving up due to the unbearable pain he felt. He loved Anna's mother more than his life. But then he would hear Anna's cries and he put effort in imagining how painful it was for newborn Anna to survive without her mother. Realization hit him that Anna was also suffering as much as him, and he had no rights to give up. If he would, Anna's mother would turn her back on him.

He thought that although his beloved left him in this cruel world, she didn't leave him alone. She had to leave by the rules of God, it was inevitable. But she left with him a part of herself and a symbol of their incomplete love. That was Anna. Since then, he was determined that he would never let her feel the absence of her mother in her life. Everytime her heart would break and she would shed tears, he would stand in front of her to wipe her tears and fill her heart with love, care and affection.

Anna who never knew what motherly love meant, understood this thing that a mother's arms are the safest place in the world. But in her life, in spite of the absence of her mother, she received the warmth from her father. He was her mother.

Now, when she has lost her father too, the entire world crashed upon her. She was devastated and overwhelmed at the loss she had to face. She tried her best to bottle up her emotions but all her efforts were in vain. She failed at hiding her tears miserably.

Her father, in his death bed said, "Never shed a tear for me once I'm gone. I & your mother will always be there for you, not physically but emotionally. So my strong daughter, you need to brace yourself up. Don't let your life be filled with gloominess. Okay?"

He paused and let out a shaky breath.

"In my absence, you have to look after the store. I & your mother worked hard to build up the store. Don't let it get closed and don't neglect the business. Ah-now before dying, I have only one regret. I couldn't find your other half for you. I remember you told me once that you won't have a boyfriend ever and will marry the one I choose. I failed to fulfil that. I couldn't even see your marriage. I couldn't fulfil my duty as a father."

Upon hearing his words, Anna couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She let out her tears hugging her father and her father kept patting her head to calm her.

"Dad, don't leave me alone like Mumma, please. How can I survive without you? I don't want anyone dad, I just want you to stay with me, can't God just grant my wish? Why am I so unlucky?"

"Shh, Anna, people get older and die one day. This is the rule of nature. But will you stay loveless because of that? Anna, I want you to find your other half by yourself. Consider it as my order or last wish, but you have to find your true love. Remember true love is rare and you come across with them with the course of time. Love needs patience and in finding your true love, same behaviour is appreciated. Find someone who truly loves, one who is madly in love with you and can never think of anything or anyone other than you. If you also love him with same intensity and passion, then you are star-crossed lovers. I will leave, but time and destiny won't. They will lead you in this journey to your lover."


Two months have passed by. It's August now. Though Anna is an amateur painter, Anna takes care of the business of cassette and records store also, which was previously run by her father.

Now the only thought she ponders over is the thought of finding her partner. Her father wanted to see her live happily with her man. But she doesn't know how to find such a man. Her man. Where is he? How can she find him?

These thoughts are making her restless every moment but she still tries to keep her patience and wait eagerly for a chance which will lead her to her partner.

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Acia šŸŒ¼

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I'm just a mere college student. Writing gives me inner peace healing the wounds of my soul! Your support and love for my works would mean a lot to me. Hare krishna! ā™”

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Acia šŸŒ¼

Dancer by heart, writer by passion and a nerd šŸŽ€